September 16, 2024
Austin, Texas, USA

Where did Roulette begin and how has it changed?


Roulette is one of the most recognisable casino games in the world, with its iconic wheel and unique gameplay. In fact, this game is closely tied to the rise of casinos in Europe and has continued to evolve significantly over time.

These days you can find plenty of online options for a game of Roulette, from European or American variants to live Roulette. But how much do you know about the history behind this classic game? Read on to find out.

Where did Roulette begin?

Like many classic casino games, the roots of Roulette can be traced back to Europe. The creation of the iconic Roulette wheel is created to French mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal, who had been attempting to create a perpetual motion machine.

Exactly when or how Pascal created the wheel is a matter of debate, but his actions in the 17th century are what led to the game we know today.

By the end of the 18th century, the game of Roulette had really taken off in Paris. Many French casinos and gaming parlours offered tables with Roulette and the unique gameplay proved a particular hit with the aristocracy.

But the coming revolution would see the game travel to new countries and audiences.

Roulette’s evolution

French brothers François and Louis Blanc were instrumental in spreading Roulette across the continent. After taking it to Germany – in order to escape the societal shift going on in France – they ultimately moved to Monte Carlo in the mid-19th century.

It was here that the game of Roulette saw a bit of an overhaul, with the European Roulette format tracing its origins back to Monte Carlo’s famous casino.

When the game travelled across the Atlantic a new format of Roulette emerged. American casinos wanted to increase the house edge, leading to the addition of a second zero pocket. The double-zero shifts the odds compared to the classical European wheel, reducing the chances of players receiving a payout.

Still, American Roulette proved just as popular among US players and helped to usher the growth of casinos across the continent.

The move to digital

Once Roulette split into its three major variants – European, American and French – there was little in the way of major changes for the game. That all changed with the digital revolution of the 1990s.

As casinos began to experiment with offering online games to players, developers experimented with converting this classic table game into a digital format. The graphics of initial offerings left something to be desired, but advancing technology soon saw online Roulette games gaining in popularity.

The online format allowed players access to the many different varieties of Roulette, allowing them to select the games that best suited their own preferences.

These days you can also find a fusion of online play and physical game elements – live Roulette. This features live croupiers who spin a physical Roulette wheel, with players watching and interacting with the game from their own devices.

As you can see, Roulette has come a long way from being the side product of a French inventor! With technology constantly changing, perhaps there is even more change to come for this casino classic.

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